
23 • 03 • 2020 > 31 • 03 • 2023

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Merci d’avoir fait partie de l’extraordinaire voyage View from my window!

L’équipe VFMW

Si vous êtes arrivés sur cette page, c’est que vous avez une affection particulière pour View from my window.

Le don de votre choix (à partir d’1 euro) vous donne droit au téléchargement d’un PDF «Morceaux choisis» 132 pages contenant 80 vues et histoires de vies, extraits des deux livres View from my window.

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1866 messages.
Marlo Marlo de USA a écrit le mars 22, 2024 à 2:43
This Facebook page was something to look forward to during covid. I loved being able to escape and connect with others during such an uncertain time. I'm happy to have been a part of this group 😊
John Worster John Worster de Lincoln, USA a écrit le mars 21, 2024 à 12:00
Thank you so much for the hard work to create, and administrate the Facebook site. I was deemed an essential worker, and had to work, I was isolated at home during the pandemic. I was allowed to view what others were seeing from their little corner of the world. It helped me to feel less along. Thank you.
Carrie Downing Carrie Downing de Cowra - Australia a écrit le mars 11, 2024 à 11:04
This group made me travel the world.One photo I took made me get on a plane and travel over 24hrs to see my photo seeing the rest of the world along the way. I would not have done it without the motivation.Thank you Barbara and team for the opportunity of a lifetime.I will never forget it.
kenneth Duff kenneth Duff de EDINBURGH a écrit le mars 2, 2024 à 1:33
I am blown away by the group and the growth, incredibly impressive what you built so quickly. Congrats Kenny
Zelda Nichols Zelda Nichols de Murrells Inlet, South Carolina USA a écrit le février 19, 2024 à 11:52
I am so saddened this site is closed. I loved seeing so many different countries from the natives view instead of a travelogue. I also loved sharing my view . Thank you so much for all your hard work. You opened my eyes to beauty every day, it was one of my favorite groups.
Dawn Lemmel Dawn Lemmel de Seattle, WA. USA a écrit le février 9, 2024 à 6:09
I thank you from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul, for all the blood sweat and tears you poured into View From My Window. In the most desperate of times during Covid, you gave each of us a “window” into the world beyond the here and now, As the entire world shared their viewpoints and perspectives, we were able to escape the pressures of our constant worries and fears, and momentarily dream about better days to come. The team at View From My Window is to be commended for sacrificing so much, so that millions upon millions might find even just one moment in their heaviest of days, to smile and to dream. We will miss our community and the connection we held to one another, but our lives are better off for each of us having shared a View From My Window. Be well, old friends. ❤️
Mary O'Sullivan Mary O'Sullivan de Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, UK a écrit le janvier 28, 2024 à 8:58
This page kept me going whilst we were experiencing a very dark time in our lives. To watch as everyone's views were shared was heartwarming and created a connection of beauty. The absolutely stunning views were humbly shared to help keep each other going. The little captions helped to allow us entry into others small corner of the world. A huge thank you to the creator for this opportunity of human connection when we were all physically unable to do so. Little moments of joy sprinkling sparkles of life around the world ✨️💛✨️
Terry Butler Terry Butler de Columbus, Georgia, USA a écrit le janvier 24, 2024 à 3:44
I received both my books today, and they are beautiful and poignant reminders of the journey we all took together. I'm turning the pages and reliving that first year of isolation. What a life! What a beautiful world we share!
Heather Warszawa Heather Warszawa de Clark, New Jersey, USA a écrit le janvier 19, 2024 à 3:53
Thank you, the views were beautiful. The people were graceful. This page gave us hope when the world was closing down. It kept the world open for us. We got to see a view through the windows of the world! ❤️
Marilyn Marilyn de Saskatoon Canada a écrit le janvier 15, 2024 à 7:18
Will miss new posts. It made my day
Helen S Helen S de Betterton, Maryland, USA a écrit le janvier 13, 2024 à 9:44
My photo from my balcony in Betterton appears on the site and I loved loved loved seeing the view from so many others all around the world. Thank you for bringing this glimpse of the world to our eyes.
Laura McLeod Laura McLeod de Seattle/USA a écrit le janvier 13, 2024 à 8:20
While the pandemic was heinous for so many for all the reasons we know, there were many silver linings that came from that tragic disaster, and this group and these posts were one (or many) of those. Grateful to share this experience with the global community, which acknowledged our differences and our sameness. There is so much beauty in the world, whether your view is a sweeping landscape or vista, or a corridor of windows and shadows (beauty can be found anywhere if we look). I'm lucky I had a decent view from my front porch (never posted), but there were also countless #momentsofjoy in these photos when joy was hard to come by.
Michelle b Michelle b de Pittsburg ks usa a écrit le janvier 10, 2024 à 9:29
Thank you for letting me Virtually travel out of Kansas to view the world. ( I didn't post)
Denisa Denisa de Bosnia and Herzegovina, Livno a écrit le janvier 10, 2024 à 6:56
Great to be a part of this group.Thank you for your acceptance.
Kaye Taylor Kaye Taylor de Perth West Australia a écrit le janvier 6, 2024 à 2:38
View from my window was a lovely way to stay connected to the world while we were all so isolated. Everyday I looked forward to seeing new posts, it was good to have something to look forward to. Well done to all who were involved.
Susan Tracey Susan Tracey de Las Penitas, Nicaragua a écrit le janvier 3, 2024 à 2:47
During the time of COVID lockdown I so enjoyed visually traveling the world. I tried to imagine living in some the various locations. I was fortunate to be at a beach in Nicaragua and could go outside, but afraid to go to the city to shop. With each photo I would try to imagine the good and difficult times people were living at this moment . This united so many of us and I want to thank the creators.
Judi Judi de Usa a écrit le décembre 29, 2023 à 11:05
This was a fantastic idea. It was a refreshing break
Hannah Rose Hannah Rose de Kingston, Nova Scotia a écrit le décembre 29, 2023 à 2:10
Many times the inspiring views that turned up here kept me aching to see such places. My view is nothing to record with a camera. However I am grateful to live where there is no enemy shooting at us. That seems to mean a lot these days.One day I hope I will be able to visit at least one place recorded on this page. Glad to find other people felt the same way. A remarkable concept this was.
Robin Guadagnini Robin Guadagnini de Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA a écrit le décembre 19, 2023 à 2:12
A wonderful travel and views that were so beautiful and inspirational and personal. Loved every post. Made a huge difference to see the world beauty in everything around us. Thank you all who worked, posted, contributed. I will miss it for sure. ❤️❤️
Jessamine L Jessamine L de YiLan/Taiwan a écrit le décembre 17, 2023 à 7:00
Just thought about the photo from my window I posted , and realized that the group has been closed. Thank you for organizing all those, and thank everyone who ever left message to me on the post.

Si vous êtes arrivés sur cette page, c’est que vous avez une affection particulière pour View from my window.

Le don de votre choix (à partir d’1 euro) vous donne droit au téléchargement d’un PDF «Morceaux choisis» 132 pages contenant 80 vues et histoires de vies, extraits des deux livres View from my window.

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Get 30% off any VFMW book order
with the code ILOVEVFMW