
23 • 03 • 2020 > 31 • 03 • 2023

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Merci d’avoir fait partie de l’extraordinaire voyage View from my window!

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Si vous êtes arrivés sur cette page, c’est que vous avez une affection particulière pour View from my window.

Le don de votre choix (à partir d’1 euro) vous donne droit au téléchargement d’un PDF «Morceaux choisis» 132 pages contenant 80 vues et histoires de vies, extraits des deux livres View from my window.

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1853 messages.
Lisa Avery Lisa Avery de St Louis, Missouri USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:24
This page filled me with a sense of tremendous camaraderie and joy during the pandemic. In the years following (although we are not truly free), I have immensely enjoyed following the posts of my fellow humans for we are indeed one world. Thank you.
Yi mane chan Yi mane chan de Montréal /Canada a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:23
Des millions de personnes sauront mieux dire que moi comment ce groupe a permis de relier le monde malgré les guerres, les religions, les races . Il a donné la possibilité aux nantis comme aux moins nantis de participer, de montrer leur environnement, leur espace de vie. Ça donne le sentiment d'appartenance à ce monde et ce n'est pas rien. Dommage que ça a été si court. Merci VFMW.
Debbie Debbie de Burbank, California, US a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:23
Thank you so much for the daily view of our personal spaces around the world. It’s been a pleasure to see a different side of these places and the love we all have for our homes.
Kim Kim de Uk a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:23
I will miss view from my window. It was such a lovely idea to bring people together all over the world.
Susan isaacs Susan isaacs de Beechwood USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:22
It was a wonderful trip around our world 🌎 Thank you!
Beth Contar Beth Contar de Rio de Janeiro / Brazil a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:22
It has been wonderful to see so many different views and read people's touching accounts from around the world. So saddened with the end of VFMW, will carry the best memories of a difficult time that affected the world's population but kept us connected. ❤️
Maria Suarez Maria Suarez de London, UK a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:22
Throughly enjoyed seeing the view from everyone’s windows during Covid and continued to enjoy the views after all the lockdowns had finished. I saw so many places I hope to visit!
Lizziejean Lizziejean de California/USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:21
So often I just enjoyed the pretty pictures and smiled to know the person had that lovely view. But I also recalled being surprised to see a lovely garden in the Ukraine and feeling warmth for her people…in the middle of a deadly conflict, there could still be pockets of beauty. I also was challenged-I’d thought to send a picture of the view from my window, but I don’t like anything I can see. Everything reminds me I didn’t want to live here, like this. So I will hold a challenge in my heart to create a view from my window that I DO like, wherever I may live.
Oluwatosin Iyasele Oluwatosin Iyasele de Tigard/ USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:21
Thanks for showing me people just like me, all over the world! I wish everyone a blessed life!
Autumn Barajas Autumn Barajas de North Powder Oregon, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:21
Absolutely loved experiencing the amazing views from all over the world that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to see, cultures and views, from real life ❤️
Dana Dana de United States, Pennsylvania a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:21
Thank you for giving us a look into places we would never be able to see! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Diana Diana de Akron, OH USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:20
Loved being able to travel the world from my arm chair. Than you so much for all the enjoyment you’ve given me.
Andrea Bains Andrea Bains de Los Angeles USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:20
I never posted, but loved looking at all of the pictures around the world. Everyone really is one. 🩵
Mary Lou Jacobs Mary Lou Jacobs de San Clemente California USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:20
So much pleasure has come to so many from this site. Please come back soon. You will be missed. The world seemed smaller because you put us all together. Thank you.
Sarah Sarah de UK a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:20
Throughout lockdown which I had to spend alone and thereafter , view from my window , brought me much joy . I felt connected to others . I love to travel and it has been wonderful to see so many different places , which without this FB page would have been impossible. I have bought both books which I will treasure , and will always remind of the joy this page brought me throughout the last few years. I can’t thank the founder and the team enough for all their hard work . I’m so sad that it now has to close, but I suppose everything has to end .
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice de Webster Massachusetts a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:20
This page got me through covid, where I almost died of covid pneumonia. This page showed me that beauty exists in all walks of life and to open myself to tge outside world. That something I might not see as beautiful, is beautiful in someone else's eyes
Barbara Peterson Barbara Peterson de Capitola, California, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:19
Thank you for everything you have done over these past 3 years. On days when life was super hard, looking at others pics from around the world made me smile. We connected in a way that was amazing in unprecedented times. 🥰
Denise Daly Denise Daly de Rustenburg South Africa a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:19
In a world so divided by so many petty things VFMW showed us how similar we all are in so many ways. Thank you for that forever.
Linda Rodriguez Linda Rodriguez de Fairfield California, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:19
I throughly enjoyed VFMW it got me through gloomy days during the pandemic. I loved each and every picture!
Katherine Ward Katherine Ward de Bloomington, Indiana, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 7:18
It's been so wonderful to be able to peek out of windows all over the world~to be able to see the gardens and yards and neighborhoods of the people who live in them and love them!

Si vous êtes arrivés sur cette page, c’est que vous avez une affection particulière pour View from my window.

Le don de votre choix (à partir d’1 euro) vous donne droit au téléchargement d’un PDF «Morceaux choisis» 132 pages contenant 80 vues et histoires de vies, extraits des deux livres View from my window.

Mon Souvenir!

30% off!

Get 30% off any VFMW book order
with the code ILOVEVFMW