
23 • 03 • 2020 > 31 • 03 • 2023

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Merci d’avoir fait partie de l’extraordinaire voyage View from my window!

L’équipe VFMW

Si vous êtes arrivés sur cette page, c’est que vous avez une affection particulière pour View from my window.

Le don de votre choix (à partir d’1 euro) vous donne droit au téléchargement d’un PDF «Morceaux choisis» 132 pages contenant 80 vues et histoires de vies, extraits des deux livres View from my window.

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1849 messages.
Nan Norton Nan Norton de Asheville NC a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:53
This was such a ray of sunshine especially in the early days of the pandemic and I'm so glad it has continued on for this long. Thank you for creating this wonderful way to connect and see the world. All the best to you!
Marsha Windibank Marsha Windibank de Spanaway, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:53
I became a member of VFMW early on! As a RN, concerned about my patients, family, and friends in the early days of COVID, this group gave me an escape. Something to enjoy, smile, and dream about as COVID really began to change our world!! Thank you to all the people that posted from all over the world, it’s been wonderful looking through your window!! And thank you to the admins, for are your time and effort, to get the posts out to share! I will miss VFMW, you helped to get me through the pandemic! But I purchased the two books, so will always have the memories!!
Leslie Cooper Leslie Cooper de Ripley/USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:53
I have loved seeing views from all over the world. Sometimes when I’m having a bad day this group makes my life so much better. I hate that this group is pausing.
Sylvia Sylvia de Murfreesboro, TN a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:52
Thanks for giving us a peek into other parts of the world. ❤️
Laura Laura de Phoenix/USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:52
love all the views
Jannine Fraser Jannine Fraser de Massachusetts USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:52
Traveling the world through everyone’s eyes has made the world feel a bit smaller and full of incredible humanity. Thanks to all who shared.
Liz roberts Liz roberts de Uk a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:52
My window to the world.brilliant !!
Kathie Hancock Kathie Hancock de Sandy, Utah a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:51
What a wonderful experience this has been. To see the world through everyone's eyes and hear the stories, has been a joy. Thank you for all the good you have done to show us how alike we all are.
Cathy Hall Steranka Cathy Hall Steranka de Canada a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:51
I am so sad to see this amazing platform for sharing close down. It has always boosted my spirits to check in on all the world wide postings! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wishing you health and peace! 🇨🇦❤️
Lynne Murdoch Lynne Murdoch de Wales a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:51
I really loved this page. Sorry to see it go x
Cheryl Wendelken Cheryl Wendelken de South Africa a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:51
The most beautiful & incredible insight into the world we live in. Giving comfort trough a very difficult time in our lives, which was shared world wide. Thank you VFMW for brining us closer together, sharing our Views & our lives 🫶
Peggy Styner Riecan Peggy Styner Riecan de University Place/USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:50
I joined when VFMW first started. I loved the connection to other people around the world who were going through the same thing - the pandemic. I have loved “traveling” the world. I will miss this exceptional site. Thank you so much for providing VTMW.
Kathleen Bailey Kathleen Bailey de Kingswinford, West Midlands, UK a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:50
Thank you ‘view from my window’ for giving us the opportunity to ‘travel’ during the pandemic……
Robin Wolaner Robin Wolaner de Sausalito, CA, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:50
I have loved the posts in this group. I wish the admins had allowed responses to those from Russia - you could have been a rare way for Russians to learn the truth about what their country is doing and how they are perceived. A missed opportunity.
Leslie Caplan Leslie Caplan de Phoenix, Arizona USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:50
I'll always have wonderful memories of all the places I "visited" when reading new posts and of all the people I met along the way who shared their little slice of this world with all of us. May you all have happiness and peace in your lives and for those who don't for whatever reason, may that happiness return soon. My heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you amazing citizens of this world. ❤️
Jeannine Shearing Jeannine Shearing de Los Angeles, USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:49
I will never forget the feeling of warmth and inclusion on VFMW. We were connected by Covid, but in a positive and supportive way. You took me all around the world to homes, backyards and scenery I would never have seen otherwise. Sharing something worldwide will always leave a special place in my heart. Thank you Barbara.
Michael M Como Michael M Como de Denver a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:49
My favorite Facebook page.
Myriam Brichart Myriam Brichart de Braine-le-Comte a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:48
Mille mercis, Barbara, de nous avoir tenus éveillés pendant 3 ans. Juste au moment où nous nous sentions si seuls. Qui aurait pu croire que, moi, petite Belge, j’échange rais des paroles avec des gens du monde entier? J’ai adoré visiter (c’est le mot) la Nouvelle Zélande, l’Australie, l’Afrique du Sud et tous nos pays du nord de l’Europe. J’ai acheté les 2 livres, téléchargé le résumé. Le souvenir qui me restera toujours est ce dialogue, en plein covid avec une infirmière londonienne qui avait pris un appartement juste en face de l’hôpital où elle empêchait les gens de mourir. Elle voulait être plus près d’eux. Encore une fois, merci encore, Barbara ainsi qu’à ton équipe. Nous sommes tous fiers de cette expérience. Je t’embrasse.
Kamilla Kamilla de Windsor/United Kingdom a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:48
Thank you for creating and maintaining the VFMW facebook page! I have loved it, and bought the first book which I delight in looking through. Take care!
Lisa Mann Lisa Mann de Portland, OR USA a écrit le avril 8, 2023 à 6:48
I looked forward to all the wonderful views throughout my day. Everyone was so kind, it always brightened my day. My post included our most loved pup Annabell and was liked over 10,000 times. Thinking about it always made me smile, we lost her in December 2022, I'm so glad I was able to share her with all of you. Thank you for all the hard work that went into letting us share our views with the world. You have been so much appreciated. I hope your next chapter is as rewarding for you as this one has been for the thousands of hearts you have warmed.

Si vous êtes arrivés sur cette page, c’est que vous avez une affection particulière pour View from my window.

Le don de votre choix (à partir d’1 euro) vous donne droit au téléchargement d’un PDF «Morceaux choisis» 132 pages contenant 80 vues et histoires de vies, extraits des deux livres View from my window.

Mon Souvenir!

30% off!

Get 30% off any VFMW book order
with the code ILOVEVFMW